Integrated experience & techniques for an optimal homebirth experience.

Comprehensive Midwifery & Monitrice Care
Comprehensive midwifery care is a combination of many traditional techniques.
Prenatal Care
Getting to know one another is an important part of your prenatal care. I want you to feel comfortable with me and me with you.
Labor & Delivery
Throughout your prenatal care, I am coaching you to empower yourself to let go and give birth the way your body knows how.
Postpartum & Newborn Care
Postpartum care begins the day after your baby is born. I am focused on you, your newborn and your family.
My ground-breaking book, WATER BIRTH: A MIDWIFE’S PERSPECTIVE, is the definitive book for information on laboring and giving birth in the water. I helped to pioneer waterbirths in the U.S.A. in the early 1980s when there was little to no information on the subject.
Placenta Encapsulation
Honoring the placenta with the ancient art of placenta encapsulation
Bonding & Feeding
Bonding, I believe, is a process that occurs throughout the pregnancy… primarily with the mother, but with the partner and the fetus’ siblings as well.
Nutrition, Herbs, HypnoBirthing & More
Midwives have gathered knowledge in many areas that help with birth, from nutrition to herbs to relaxation and hypnobirthing. All of these tools and techniques will help you during your journey into birth and becoming a mother.

Water Birth: A Midwife’s Perspective
Susanna is a pioneer of Water Birth and was instrumental in bringing the practice to the United States. Her book, Waterbirth: A Midwife’s Perspective, is the first definitive books on giving birth in water.
“Susanna talked to me just in the way I needed to get me through that inner struggle. She used a firm but kind tone with me. She shared her birth story with me, which helped me to stop judging myself for my feelings and soothed my emotional struggle dealing with the pain. She walked me through guided imagery. Both of these helped me calm down and placed me in a mindset that gave me energy to complete my birth.”