Midwifery & Monitrice Care


Midwifery & Monitrice Services for your body, mind and spirit

Full Service Midwifery Care

I offer comprehensive midwifery care that is a combination of traditional techniques that I have learned from many cultures throughout Europe, Central America, Israel, and the United States. I also bring my own personal knowledge of being pregnant, giving birth at home, nursing, and raising a child.

  • Relaxation & Visualization

  • Prenatal Home Visits

  • Labor and Delivery

  • Postpartum & Newborn Care

  • Breastfeeding & Lactation Advice

  • Natural Herbal Therapies

I have been married for 27 years. I am a dedicated and loving midwife and will be there for you when you need me… day or night. I always work with another experienced, certified midwife who assist me at your birth.

Monitrice Care

Not familiar with what a Monitrice is? They are a wonderful addition to any support team. Monitrice care is provided by a midwife who does prenatal care, will go to the hospital with you, and provides postpartum care. Many women who want hospital births prefer to hire a Monitrice to come to their home and get their care in the comfort of their homes. Labor at home, and then when the time is right, go to the hospital and have their babies. Monitrices do not deliver the baby. Some of the things a Monitrice may do for you:

  • Assess the mother’s condition

  • Monitor vital signs of mother and baby

  • Determine cervical dilation

  • Provide care after the birth

Monitrices offer a wide range of services to a family during labor, delivery, and early postpartum. If you are planning a hospital birth and wish to labor at home safely until you need to go into the hospital, a monitrice may be a good option for you. If you are seeking a vaginal birth after a C-section (VBAC) you may want to enlist the services of a monitrice so you can safely labor at home.

“Once Susanna arrived, she checked my cervix and reported that I was 8.5 cm dilated.  It seemed that things were really moving fast.  She called the other midwife to assist and my husband got in gear to fill the birth pool.  After it was full, I got in and the water was absolutely amazing!  It seemed to cut the pain of my contractions in half.  I was so relaxed spending time in the water.”.


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