Bonding & Feeding

Beauty Treatments

Food for the Soul

Bonding, I believe, is a process that occurs throughout the pregnancy… bonding occurs with you and your baby, your partner, and your baby’s siblings.

After you and your baby are tucked into your clean, fresh bed, I like to leave you and your partner alone with your baby. You have time to bond with your baby… touching, smelling, kissing, and just watching are so important for laying down the foundation for a healthy and well-adjusted family.

How babies bond:

  • Through touching skin-to-skin

  • Eye-to-eye contact

  • Smelling

  • Following things with their eyes

  • By imitating facial expressions

  • Cooing, the human voice

Your newborn is immediately put to your breast after birth. Usually breastfeeding goes smoothly, but if your or your baby should need more time to learn how to breastfeed, I will be there with the information that you need. I make that time for you. Through my years of helping women to nurse and nursing my own child, I am able to help you if you are having difficulty nursing your baby. If you are going to be bottle feeding, you can still bond with your baby and I can assist you with techniques to achieve a healthy outcome for you and your baby.

I have attended many breastfeeding conferences and am a member of the Sonoma County Breastfeeding Coalition.

“After I delivered…everyone left the room and my husband, baby, and I had our first moments alone together as a family… our bonding time.”.


Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.

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