Welcome to Northbay Midwifery’s Birth Stories
Read Northbay Midwifery’s Birth Stories! These are wonderful stories submitted by some of the families I have assisted with homebirths. I hope you enjoy reading them. You can view more pictures of babies and families in my Northbay Midwifery Image Gallery. For more on Water Birthing, read my book Water Birth: A Midwife’s Perspective.
Third homebirth baby comes into the world!
Baby Sulema
At some point, Susanna told me to feel the head. I reached down and felt a soft hairy head
Pre-Natal Care: Why Nutrition is the building block of health
As a pregnant mom, you know the importance of caring for yourself and your growing baby. Pre-natal nutrition is vital in providing...read more.
Baby Sam’s Sister Maya
I would love to recommend most highly our wonderful homebirth midwife Susanna Napierala. Susanna has been an integral part of the births of both of our beautiful children. We have learned so much from her vast amount of experience as a pioneer bringing waterbirths to the U.S. Our first child was supposed to be a homebirth, but our boy came just a bit too early. Susanna had prepared us well beforehand, getting to know us and allowing us to get to know her.